Step inside the Pickler Mansion, the home of Major John A. Pickler, an American Civil War veteran and South Dakota's first member of the U.S. House of Representatives.
I had the privilege of meeting Guido Van Helten. Guido is an Australian native who paints large mural paintings all over the world. His travels have landed him to Faulkton, South Dakota, where he has created this masterpiece! This mural is so large that it can be seen from most any point in the town. It is a symbol that small, rural South Dakota is...
After taxes, how much of your income do you take home? How much can you buy with your hard earned wages? The bottom line is location matters. And we can prove it.
Inspiring Community Leaders is flexible and adaptable to South Dakota’s changing rural communities, new ways of doing business and economic climate.
Inspiring Community Leaders can be customized to fit your business and organizational leadership training needs. Here are some examples of possibilities:
a) Getting Started with Leadership – A 45 minute presentation introducing the topic of “Exemplary Leaders”
b) Interactive Presentations - Hands-on 2-3...
The Community Heart & Soul Field Guide is a step-by-step approach to get people participating in local decision making and taking action to improve the place where they live, work, and play.
The process focuses on getting everyone involved in finding ways to protect, restore or enhance their community's identity - its heart and soul - over the long term.
Resource provided...
Video Production Aberdeen, South Dakota - Dakota Resources works extensively with the Faulkton community and surrounding areas. And McQuillen Creative Group has been providing video services all along the way.Watch it on YouTube »
Cattle Farmers are not the only ones affected by the early October blizzard. TWILA TV's Michael Danna tells us how the Common Sense Manufacturing company is taking a hit from the storm.